Black and Blues party at Pinks in East Village revitalizes NYC Rock and Roll scene with The Dead Exs’ Strange Majik

With the closings of the most beloved rock and roll bars in NYC, Pinks has taken a chance on a classic theme. Thanks to the popularity of Strange Majik’s Black and Blues party, Fridays at Pinks is the place to be. Majik stomps and hollers Dead Exs blues and rock and roll classics while a charming staff serve custom cocktails, craft beers, and a tasty late night menu. Show starts at 10, goes till 1 and is free. #blackandblues


And the people will rise!

Photo: David Pattillo 12-13-14

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

The way I see it, people get out on the streets when they are fed up with the system. Race is a major part of the story here but not the only one. We are all frustrated by a burgeoning economic underclass and the injustices of the too big to fail scandals. Too many execs in the finance world bankrupted us with sub prime mortgages. They went unchecked with money laundering, and funded terrorism without criminal prosecution. Meanwhile a working class black man sells loosies in Staten Island and succumbs to a deadly chokehold by a twisted, frustrated, fearful police officer. It has reached a boiling point. This is a watershed moment. Look at what Gandhi achieved with the same peaceful means in India to liberate a racist nation. Lets keep our commitment peaceful and firm. ‪#‎wecantbreathe‬


Strange Majik drops new single collab with MC Elijah Black “Daddy’s Shoes.”

I discovered MC Elijah Black rapping at The Lesson parties at Arlene’s Grocery in NYC. I wrote the main hook and produced out the track and was thinking about my father’s struggles with money and being an artist. Like it or not, like apples we don’t fall far from the tree. I asked Elijah to bring his perspective to the idea. What he came back with blew my mind. The amazing Felipe Torres came in later and nailed the groove. Give it a spin and please share on social.

With Love,


A new London classic – Laurel acoustic session and interview posted

Laurel is a super talented young woman from London who I got to get to meet during The Northside Festival this year. She is self produced and writes her tunes as well. Quite the lyricist and musician I must say!! Of course she’s comes fully equipped with mad talent, nice manners, and the classic self-effacing brit sense of humor . Here is our interview and live session on my Amazing Radio show. Check her out.


Must see documentary

Have u seen Park Ave?? Thanks to a chance encounter while getting darshan at Amma, I met the most awesome Kelly Cutrone. She turned me on to this movie. Here it is in its entirety, or you can stream it on Netflix. Let’s just say (sadly of course) it just reaffirms that my lyrics to my new single Workingman are right on the money.
Enjoy and spread the word – Majik